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Interesting about Kazakhstan

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of government.

Area: 2,724,000 square meters. km
Population: 16 million. 148 thousand people, numbering 120 ethnic groups
Capital: Astana
Language: Kazakh, Russian
Religion: Islam, Christianity

Kazakhstan is located in Central Asia. Occupying 2 million 724.9 thousand square kilometers, the country is in ninth place in terms of area among the countries of the world. In the north and west, Kazakhstan has common borders with Russia, in the east with China, in the south with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.

Kazakhstan is the largest country in the world, which has no direct access to the World Ocean. Such remoteness from the oceans determines the country's sharply continental climate. Summer in the country is hot and dry from +19 ° C in the north to +28 ° C in the south. Winters are cold and snowy from 19 ° C in the north to 2 ° C in the south.

The geography of Kazakhstan is an alternation of huge mountains, forests, deserts, lakes and rivers, and endless steppes. Deserts make up most of the country's territory - 44% and semi-deserts - 14%. Steppes occupy 26% of the territory of Kazakhstan, forests - 5.5%. In Kazakhstan, there are 8.5 thousand rivers, 48 ​​thousand lakes and the largest of them are Balkhash, Zaisan and Alakol. The northeastern part of the Caspian Sea is included in the republic. The Aral Sea is divided between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

The animal and plant world of Kazakhstan is unique, with 155 species of mammals, 480 species of birds, 150 species of fish, and 250 species of medicinal plants.
The land of Kazakhstan is rich in its history, in which there are more than 25 thousand monuments of history, archeology, architecture, 147 museums, 8 historical and cultural reserves-museums.

The Republic of Kazakhstan is an industrial country, which excels in the world in reserves of zinc, tungsten, ranks second in the world in reserves of silver, lead, third - copper, fourth - molybdenum, sixth - gold. Now Kazakhstan is in 9th place in the world in oil reserves, in 8th place in coal reserves and in 2nd place in uranium reserves.

Kazakhstan is one of the world's top ten exporters of grain and is one of the leaders in the export of flour. The republic has developed animal husbandry, poultry farming and fishing.
In a short historical period - since independence in 1991, the Republic of Kazakhstan was among the 25 most dynamic economies of the first decade of the 21st century and ranked third, leaving only China and Qatar ahead. This is according to British experts, and according to the World Bank classification, the Republic of Kazakhstan has entered the group of countries with income levels above average.

Here are some remarkable facts about Kazakhstan:

In Kazakhstan, the highest mountain skating rink in the world is Medeo;
From Kazakhstan, from the Baikonur cosmodrome, the first artificial Earth satellite Sputnik-1 (1957) and the first man Yuri Gagarin (1961) were launched for the first time in space;
Kazakhstan became the venue for the Congresses of Leaders of World Religions, and specifically for this, the Palace of Peace and Accord was built in the capital of Astana in 2006, which became a landmark event of the beginning of the XXI century;
For the first time in the world, the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, which has no analogues, was created in the republic and this is a unique and positive phenomenon of modernity. And the fact that it is headed by the President of the country, Mr. Nazarbayev N.A. guarantees the cohesion and unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan;
In 2010, Kazakhstan became the chairman of the first OSCE summit in the twenty-first century;
In Kazakhstan, conferences of the Eurasian Media Forum are held annually, where leading journalists, analysts and politicians of the West and East meet to exchange views on the most pressing issues of modern society;
In Kazakhstan in 2011, the 7th Asian Winter Games were held;
In Kazakhstan, for the first time in the world in an incredibly short time, a new capital Astana was built, the 20th anniversary of which was celebrated in 2018;
Kazakhstan in 2017 hosted the International Exhibition EXPO-2017, which was dedicated to the “Energy of the Future”.
These are some of those achievements, thanks to which Kazakhstan has become known and is also interesting for tourism.

Visit Kazakhstan!
Kazakh hospitality, hospitality and interesting trips are waiting for you!