it was a really nice walk through the canyon with different types of rock and very impressive structures, and there is absolutely awesome river, you can use to cool down a little bit, really good.
I really enjoy this so beautiful nature and it’s really good and really good guide of course. I’ll definitely recommend tour to my friends.
So guys we have guests from Australia today.
-how do you like our tour?
-Very nice, we are happy coming here. Very pretty.
-Would you recommend our tour to your friends?
-Of course, why not. We will.
The trip to the Big Almaty Lake was very informative and interesting. We walked around the lake from all sides and studied the history of the origin and natural riches of the lake.
A guest from Hong Kong visited one of the largest nurseries, Sunkar, and watched a show with birds, wolves and horses. In the kennel, he saw dogs and looked at our horses. He made photographs of eagles, owls and tazy dogs. Our guest was pleased and would gladly fly to Almaty again.
Excursion to Issyk and Turgen we spent with our guest from Hong Kong.
Despite his retirement age and difficult terrain in Turgen, the tourist was not afraid to climb to the waterfall and explore our flora and fauna. Beauty of Issyk Lake’s and colors surprised our guest. He made many photographs of our magnificent fir trees and lakes from different angles.
A guest from Hong Kong studied with great interest everything about our nature and the history of the one of the most famous object in Isyyk “Altyn-Adam”.