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Club HLS "Aiym", Almaty

Tour operator "ALMALY-TRAVEL" together with the HLS club "Ayim" on April 29, 2018 organized a fun trip to the mountain resort "Forest fairytale". There were 38 of us with children. We brought food, a samovar and good mood.

In a picnic Yurt we covered dastarkhan and drank tea like a real Kazakhs.

Then we had an active and extreme rest. We went up to the mountains on the paved hiking routes, rode on a Scottish pony, on horseback we passed the route through the plains and admired the beauty of the Ile-Alatau national Park

The most daring, and we were all brave and mostly our children, they overcame a bungee at a height of 5 and 10 meters and it was GREAT!!

Everyone was happy! 

  • “Thank You very much and especially Alma and Almaly travel for such a wonderful stay!”
  • “Thank you! Super extreme vacation!”
  • “Today was a great day! Thanks to club “Ayim” and director Alma ("Almaly travel»)
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Club HLS

Excursion to "Forest fairy Tale»

Guests from India

A wonderful day and time with the most kind of Kazakhstan with a beautiful tour over Almaty and I promise that if I got another chance for visiting Almaty I will chose you as my tip guide for 100%.

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Guests from India

Almaty, Medeo, Shymbulak

Club "Herbalife", Almaty

For a month I entered to the project of the club "HerbaLife" in Almaty and now I’m rightly lose weight and eat. The results are stunning, I'm thrilled. It is logical to continue a healthy lifestyle and that’s why I’m continue to work in tourism.

We organized an unusual excursion to lake Issyk and not only. We stood at lake Issyk and learned a lot about the uniqueness and history of the lake and these places.

But it is one thing to admire the lake, as do all the tour groups, and another thing to be on the territory of the Almaty reserve and see the Kremlin wall, a unique "avalanche-trap" and the village-trap and "mistress" of the reserve – almost tame wolf. Specialists of the reserve such as Alexander are highly qualified and educated people. They work for a small salary, but love and protect the nature of the reserve to leave it to descendants. Alexander is very interestingly told us about the history of reserve, flora and fauna. It turns out that after the natural disaster of 1963, when huge streams of water with 12-meter waves swept away everything in its path and there was no unique lake Issyk, a new one came. Began to build defenses, restored the lake, changed the composition of the water and the lake is now the first fish appeared.  On the reserve during the period 1982-1989 Georgian experts were built “avalanche trap”. This is a unique building, there are only a few in the world. In the case of avalanches, they miss only small and "capture" and do not pass on large stones and trees. Do not allow to form the terrible stone lava streams and provide time for evacuation of people and animals. And we learned the purpose of watersheds in several tiers, which stand at the lake.  No matter what tier the water rises to, it is captured and discharged into the Issyk river bed and thus helps to get rid of excess water cubes and reduces the water pressure on the dam.

The reaction of my tourists is interesting, for example Julia says that "for the First time,yesterday I visited lake Issyk and it was nice! I've learned so much. Thank you very much for the tour and the organization of such a great trip!

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Issyk lake and nature reserve of Almaty

Club "Herbalife», Almaty

We are a in a group of 16 people, members of the club “Ayim” went on Sunday, 5  of August on Kolsay lakes in the Kungei Alatau mountains.

We left early in the morning and drove about 300 km. Passed eco post and paid 740 tenge per person, by the way for children between 7 years it’s free  and after we arrived to the village of Saty. It is the office of Kolsai reserve. So if you have any comments, ask them. I had some questions, they were sympathetic to the comments and questions and they said “it helped in our work  and were glad that our trip was a success!

During the day we walked around Kolsay-1 and go boating and see the beauty of the lake from the inside. Someone made a horse-route. Horses, specially trained to walk on mountain trails. Instructors are local boys from 10-15 years, but take for the route as adult entrepreneurs - 2000 tenge per 1 hour.

Kolsay lakes are a cascade of three lakes. Kolsay-1, where we were, the largest and most affordable for all tourists – beautiful, characterized by the lack of civilization and an abundance of mushrooms.

We met tourists who walked up to the upper lake Kolsay-2. It is small, located on the border of spruce forests and Alpine meadows, admires its harsh Alpine beauty, rich flora and fauna. The water in the lakes is cold and clean. There is rainbow trout – fish which lives only in running or spring water.

We realized that it is necessary to come here with an overnight stay, to have more time to see everything and slowly enjoy and breathe the indescribable beauty of nature. For this in the village a lot of guest houses. The hosts are good, especially they finished special training in service and hospitality by the leadership of the regional Department of tourism.

I wish we could see the mysterious lake of Kaindy. It is in the mountains at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level, there is taken by local cars on a mountain winding road. They say that the mystical splendor of the lake Kaindy is impossible to convey in words, there is really must visiting place and you could see everything with your own eyes.

What an amazing and beautiful nature around Almaty!!!  Anyone who has ever seen Kolsay lakes - these treasures of nature will never forget their splendor!

There are a lot of foreign tourists, but even more of our Kazakh people, which is very, very happy!!!

Go to rest and explore the unknown Kazakhstan! That's interesting!

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Kolsay lakes

Guide Zhaina about guests from Pakistan

Visiting the Issyk city, Lake Issyk, Turgen and Turgen gorge, Saki mounds, a museum with the "Golden Man".

The places are very beautiful, issued a case to accompany guests from Pakistan.

It was first time when I travel with this nationality. They surprised me,by their knowledge of enlglish,they are educated, polite, interested in economy, education. They gathered from all over the world for a wedding( a bride from Kazakhstan). They look around the sights of Almaty, by the taking advantage of a case of arrival. They loved our city. They said our city are clean and hospitable.

The group was from different ages. Therefore, my good qualities - communication skills and the ability to organize helped me a lot. It was their second order, it’s nice when the customer returns.

Thanks "Almaly Travel" for this opportunity!

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Guide Zhaina about guests from Pakistan

Issyk and Turgen

Dagmar Schreiber, Germany

On April 1, a group of 13 German guests visit a camel farm.

The weather in the steppe is cold, blowing, as if even winter. But we were warm from the following circuses: - Camels borned babies and they showed themselves. There are a lot of them, everywhere they go with their anxious mothers.

Bota. Botakoz. No wonder,this is the Kazakh female names. Camels are so adorable! Gentle, big-eyed, with long eyelashes. One has just been born and we see his first steps. Amazing!

They showed us how to milk camels. Thank you Rustam for well-explaining everything. They treated us by bauyrsak,fresh and delicious shubat. And in the end they took us to the factory of making shubat, where many of us were steamed.

Great tour, thanks to Alma Alzhanova and "ALMALY-TRAVEL" for the organization!

We wish the farm and the plant further prosperity!

And next time I would like to ride on a camel! 


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Dagmar Schreiber, Germany

Excursion to the camel farm

Steve, London

Park of the first President, waterfall, Big Almaty Lake, falcon center Sunkar Initially our aim was to see non-touristic places of Almaty and when we reached Big Almaty Lake we were the only people. The scenery is fantastic. Travel agency provided a great team of a driver and a guide. We had a bad experience with getting to Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan, as the car couldn't get to the place. The only disappointment was the fog, that didn't let us see the falcon show. We had a chance to take enough pictures of birds in cages. the story of Kazakh wedding traditions was interesting and informative.

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Steve, London

Big Almaty Lake

Giacomo Pulina, Italy

Everything was good, time was well organized. I really liked 28 Panfilov Park. It's really important to remember and respect the heroes, so this memorable park really impressed me and the Kathedral of Voznisensky - very beautiful church which is more than 100 years old. I learned a lot about Almaty and its citizens. Thanks to my guide Nargiz and to driver Didar for qualitative service and your hospitality!

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Giacomo Pulina, Italy

City tour Almaty feedback

Mrs. Gabbie, Kanada

Thank you a lot for the most wonderful day. Nargiz and Abylkhan made every effect to show me the lake, the waterfall, the museum and adding SVYATO-VOZNESENSKY CATHEDRAL in 28 Panfilof park at the end. Communication was excellent. I learned a lot about Almaty and Kazakhstan. Again thank you for your hospitality. 

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Mrs. Gabbie, Kanada

Issyk + Turgen

Christian Grosel, Christian Grosel, USA

Very nice excursion. Now I know more about history of Almaty and I am happy that I had a chance like this to visit such a wonderful places. Thanks a lot to my guide Nargiz and driver Oral.

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Christian Grosel, Christian Grosel, USA

City tour- Medeo