Туристская компания «Almaly Travel»Туристская компания «Almaly Travel

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course for today:

  • USD 491.53
  • EUR 534.91

+7 727 273 1695

+7 701 726 6093

+7 707 810 8884


This is a unique opportunity to experience a sense of patriotism, learn more about the history of the Kazakh people and learn what the nomadic civilization has given the world.

Having made a trip to the Kazakh aul "Huns", you will witness the recreated image of the nomadic way of life of the Kazakhs. You will be greeted with a hospitable rite "Shashu". You will see the traditional Kazakh rite "Besikkae salu" associated with the birth of a child and a special ceremony "Tұsau kesu" as soon as the baby made his first step on his own.

You will see the portable dwelling of nomads - a yurt, try to make traditional baursaks, make tea in a real samovar. A folk concert will be shown for you and you will take part in national games, you will see a demonstration hunt with birds of prey, ride horses and feel like a part of an ancient nomadic culture.

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Having made a trip to the ethnographic aul "Huns", you will witness the recreated image of the nomadic way of life of the Kazakhs ...

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  • Price: On request
  • Duration: 8 hours.
  • Period: whole year


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